Tagged with Immune health



I spend a lot of time talking about this macronutrient. The vast majority of my patients are not meeting their protein requirements when we first meet. Not only that, but most of them have no idea this is the case, nor have they been informed about the significantly detrimental impact this has on their health. … Continue reading

What the heck is SIBO?

What the heck is SIBO?

What is SIBO? Despite what you read elsewhere (and what I have posted in the past..) SIBO is actually quite rare. In order to suspect SIBO and justify performing testing, we must first rule out a number of conditions that are a lot more common and much more likely to be the cause of an … Continue reading

Why I loved 2018

Why I loved 2018

What an exciting and enriching year 2018 has been! I’m bursting with gratitude for the abundance and adventures I’ve experienced, both personally and professionally. In addition to travelling, skiing, SUPing, lifting weights, cuddling kittens, slaying dragons, planting a garden, getting married 🙂 and then travelling some more, my practice turned 10 years old and enjoyed … Continue reading

Super Fly Pumpkin Pie

Super Fly Pumpkin Pie

It’s Thanksgiving. Let’s eat! I love a good Thanksgiving-induced turkey coma followed by a big piece of pumpkin pie with whipped cream. This year I’m shaking things up with a more nutrient dense version of this celebrated dessert. It’s healthy enough to enjoy on regular rotation. I’m using a red kuri squash instead of a … Continue reading